Thursday, October 30, 2008

Wood vs. Plastic - AGAIN!

Sometimes it's hard to weigh an economic choice with an earth friendly choice. I was reading an article on "eco xmas gifts" this week, which recommended buying someone a nice, new wooden spoon for the kitchen to replace an old plastic spatula.
Now, this is the type of "green" advise that makes my head spin - how to balance budget concerns with earth-friendly choices?
Now, we all have old plastic spatulas hanging out in our kitchens. Scratched, dented, ragged plastic spatulas. Are they so old they're chipping off bits of harmful plastic into the food? Are they a "safer" plastic (like #5)? Are they even recyclable?
So maybe I want to replace an old spatula, but they're great budget tools! How else can I get 2 more servings of almond butter out of the jar without a nice plastic spatula? I'm sure I've saved loads of food over the years with these handy, bendy sticks.

Nice new wooden spoons are great - but they're made out of newly cut trees, right? Who would want a wooden spoon made out of recycled wood?

Which is better?


Patti said...

I don't know how eco-viable it is, but what about silicone spatulas? Hhhmmmm.....have to look into that...

Patti said...

I know you have to be careful handling it, and it adds weight to the bag, but I love glass - easy to clean..always, always disliked using plastics - for anything....

Alex, thanks for this blog! looking forward to participating.


Patti said...

OK, I screwed up - I commented about glass under the wrong post - sorry!

doulaoblongata said...

WOOD ! ! !
Or a metal tea/tablespoon.
Which ever reaches the sides of the particular jar your working with.
I have various sized wooden spatulas.
One is quite small and does the job nicely.
It is as convenient ?


The "Slow Food" movement and the like - such as this blog, right? - are not about what is convenient.
It is about what is sustainable.

doulaoblongata said...

Viva La Wooden Spatula ! ! !