Wednesday, November 12, 2008

A new wardrobe for free? And wine? Sign me up!

Here's my new plan - to swap until I drop!
Not only is my kid wearing new (old) winter clothes that we get free/cheap from other moms in the 'hood who we give our old (new to them) clothes to - but now I want the same sweet deal for myself!

Here's the plan: CLOTHING SWAP!

You're on a budget and you're sick of everything in your wardrobe.
No problem!
Invite 6-12 friends over. Each friend brings a non-messy snack or bottle of white wine AND at least 10 items of clean clothing that are in great shape that they don't wear anymore. All sizes welcome, they'll find a home.
Give everyone a separate area to put their pile, supply a few full-length mirrors (don't buy - borrow!) and decent lighting. The only rules are:
1. that you should cover the windows so peeping neighbors don't get a free show
2. everyone should move around and rummage, trying things on

By the time you're through a couple bottles of wine everyone should have at least a few new items to take home and enjoy!
How's that for being fiscally fashionable?!


doulaoblongata said...
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doulaoblongata said...

Alrighty then Alex...
You are hosting first...
Yes ???
Red ?
White ?
Both ! ! !

Alex Jamieson said...

Yes, I will be organizing one of these fab free fashion parties in the next month - guaranteed!