Monday, February 2, 2009

Salt in my wounds - using salt as a budget guide

Hey Budget-eers!

The New Home Eco-Nomics Expert-ess (me) has been obsessed with salt lately - not just using it to liven up my air-popped popcorn, but using it around the house, on my skin and on all kinds of problems!

Here are a few ways to use salt cheaply and non-toxically:

- A mix of salt, vinegar, and water should remove mildew stains on most fabrics. Use up to full-strength vinegar if the mildew is extensive.

- Prevent mildew growth on shower curtains by soaking them in a bathtub full of salt water - about 1/2 cup salt to the tub. Soak for several hours then hang to dry.

- Remove wine spills from cotton fabrics by immediately sprinkling the stained area with enough salt to soak up the liquid. Soak the fabric for 1 hour in cold, water then launder as usual.

- Soak in a tub of salt water to relieve itchy skin. Just add 1 cup of table, Epsom or sea salt to the bath water. This will also soften your skin.

- Remove onion odor from your hands by sprinkling them with a little salt, then moisten with some vinegar. Rub hands together then rinse.

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