Monday, January 5, 2009

FREE clog buster?

OMG - and I don't use that expression too often - why didn't I try this AGES ago?

I have a very clogged shower drain - actually, it's clogged more than 50% of the time. I have spent many, many dollars on "natural" enzyme products to clear that drain, and it usually takes more than one bottle of the stuff to get the gunk moving.

So what finally worked...for free?


Yes, cheap, easy, sooooo green and it worked fast! I boiled a whole pot of water, poured it down the drain and now that sucker is clear!

Happy New Clear Year!


Lauren said...

I use to have that problem in my apartment. We used every natural de-clogger out there as well. Thanks for the tip! I will remember it for next time! (hopefully, there wont be a next time!)

Pramette said...

If it's REALLY bad, try pouring baking soda down the drain first, then the boiling water. Knocks it right out!